Get Lucky on St. Patrick’s Day
Everyone’s Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. But did you know “the luck of the Irish” used to be an insult? Edward T. O’Donnell, author of 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Irish American History, explains on Irish Central:
“During the gold and silver rush years in the second half of the 19th century, a number of the most famous and successful miners were of Irish and Irish American birth. . . .Over time this association of the Irish with mining fortunes led to the expression ‘luck of the Irish.’ Of course, it carried with it a certain tone of derision, as if to say, only by sheer luck, as opposed to brains, could these fools succeed.”
We respond with this impromptu limerick:
Thank goodness, it doesn’t mean that anymore
So lift high your glass and exclaim with a roar:
“I won’t be done
until I see sun
So pour me another, dear barkeep, please pour!”
We know it’s not great, or even a good one—but when you get started it’s hard not to have fun. You could pen a winner before you have dinner, and please post it here when you’ve gotten it done.
Better yet, write it while wearing an awesome tee from Design By Humans. Here are a couple favorites:
Be extra lucky when you order by March 17, 2016. Enter Coupon Code SPD15 at checkout to receive a 15% discount on apparel.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!